As I mentioned last time, I completed the small little journey I set out on about five months ago to describe each of the geomantic figures and a bit about geomantic technique on my blog at the rate of one post per week. It’s been a fantastic trip, and I hope you guys got a lot out of it; it encouraged me to dig through my old notes and meditations on the subject, as well as having spurred me to do more original geomantic research. Since some people like things being made easy for them, I present to you a list of all the De Geomanteia posts I made, separated out into the posts on technique and the figures.
The posts on geomantic technique:
- On the Via Puncti and its variations in the shield chart
- On perfection, aspect, favorability, and affirmation
- On determining time and timeframes with geomancy
- On using geomancy and the figures in magic and ritual
The posts on the geomantic figures (not in chronological order):
- Populus
- Via
- Albus
- Coniunctio
- Puella
- Amissio
- Fortuna Maior
- Fortuna Minor
- Puer
- Rubeus
- Acquisitio
- Laetitia
- Tristitia
- Carcer
- Caput Draconis
- Cauda Draconis
Feel free to share this or any of the other posts in the De Geomanteia series. This certainly won’t be the end of geomancy posts here at the Digital Ambler, that’s for sure, so keep an eye out for more meditations on the figures and technique in the future.
Also, I wanted to thank all my readers for making this an awesome week. On Tuesday, the Digital Ambler crossed the 100,000 hit mark, which is a fantastic milestone. It’s a nontrivial thing, too, since the blog has only been online for less than two years! Between Facebook, Twitter, and other people’s blogs and sites, I’ve been getting lots of traffic in ways I wouldn’t've imagined a year or so ago (like from Bungie gaming forums or discussions of grimoires I’ve only dreamed of working with). You guys are awesome for having helped me out and been with me on this fantastic Hermetic journey, and I see no signs of it stopping anywhere soon. Keep reading, dear readers, and I hope you enjoy the future with me.
Happy geomancing and happy ambling, you guys!