I was settling down this past Monday thinking of how to better explore the paths of the Tetractys. Pathworking is fine and all, and I will never swear against it; it’s a powerful method in its own right, and when tweaked for the purposes of mathesis, will provide valuable experience in developing oneself theurgically. The thing is that…well, I hate pathworking. It’s a personal opinion of mine that physical, enacted ritual is superior for initiations and transformation compared to pathworking, which is more meditative and exploratory but also too mental and ungrounded to achieve the same ends. Any physical addition to pathworking, such as using gestures or chanting, can definitely help empower the pathworking, but in the end it’s still primarily pathworking. I tried coming up with different kinds of chants or seed syllable-type intonations to focus oneself on a manifesting or manifested version of a path to little result (I’ll keep those notes as a draft post for future reference just in case), but something kept nagging at me to think of something better.
Looking through my old drafts I had saved, I noticed that I started an idea a while back but never really fleshed it out any. The idea was to have a stellar type of ritual, not focused on the planets or elements themselves but on the passage of the Sun as it travels from one sign of the Zodiac to the next. After all, the whole point of the Gnosis Schema is to develop the self theurgically by using a set of twelve paths to traverse the ten sphairai of the Tetractys, and these twelve paths are given to the signs of the Zodiac. If we consider ourselves as Suns, then the passage of the Sun through the Zodiac represents our own passage through Gnosis. By celebrating the ingress of the Sun into each sign of the Zodiac, we celebrate and open ourselves up to a whole new stage of our development, formally opening up new gates and roads for us to travel. This is an idea I wanted to develop, but I had little idea back then of how to actually go about building or thinking about such a ritual. I think it’s time now to do just that. Thus, at the beginning of Cancer 2017 and close to the start of a new mathetic year, let us now discuss αι Τελεται των Ηλιεισοδων (hai Teletai tōn Hēlieisodōn), the Rituals of the Solar Ingresses.
So, first, just because we like things in Greek, let’s list what the names of the Zodiac signs are in Greek for reference’s sake:
- Aries: Κριος (Krios)
- Taurus: Ταυρος (Tauros)
- Gemini: Διδυμοι (Didymoi)
- Cancer: Καρκινος (Karkinos)
- Leo: Λεων (Leōn)
- Virgo: Παρθενος (Parthenos)
- Libra: Ζυγος (Zygos)
- Scorpio: Σκορπιος (Skorpios)
- Sagittarius: Τοχοτης (Tokhotēs)
- Capricorn: Αιγοκερως (Aigokerōs)
- Aquarius: Υδροχοος (Hydrokhoos)
- Pisces: Ιχθυες (Ikhthyes)
When might we celebrate this kind of event? As I reckon it, there are three options for us, each with their own pros and cons:
- The first day after the Sun has astrologically entered the sign proper. This is probably the most straightforward and obvious option, but we’d be careful to note that we’d mark this as the first sunrise coinciding with or falling immediately after the Sun’s entry to the sign. Thus, if the Sun enters Taurus sometime on a Monday night after sunset, even though Monday is the first day of Taurus according to the modern Western sense, we’d only celebrate this starting at Tuesday morning, at the start of the first full day of Taurus. The drawback is that such an ingress could occur at any time of the lunar month, which much of the rest of mathesis relies upon for its ritual timing. After all, the solar year and lunar year are not easily synced and need constant corrections to keep roughly together.
- The first Noumenia (start of the lunar month) while the Sun is in the sign. This makes sense from a grammatomantic calendar standpoint, as we could then dedicate the whole rest of the month to works relating to the specific sign that the Sun has entered into. However, this has a bit of a problem; the Noumenia could occur several weeks into the solar month of the zodiac sign, so we’d lose the “freshness” of the previous option. Additionally, with lunar months being shorter than a solar month, there is the possibility of having two Noumenias within a single solar month. In such a case, we’d only use the first one for our ingress ritual, but we’d know then that, if there’s another Noumenia just before the Sun changes sign, then the next one after the Sun enters the next sign would be late indeed.
- The day of the letter of the sign while the Sun is in the sign. For instance, if we’re celebrating the entry of the Sun into the sign of Taurus, we’d wait until the day of Γ, the letter associated with Taurus. Just as with the Noumenia, there is the possibility that there might be two such days with the same letter while the Sun is in the same sign due to the fact that the lunar month is shorter than a solar twelfth of a year. Further, just as with the Noumenia, this might position the day of the ritual rather late into the Sun’s travel into the sign. However, this has the benefit of associating the natural power of the lunar day of the month with the sign of the Sun itself, and with the “offset” this would introduce since each sign has a different letter, and thus a different day of the month, we could sidestep some of the issues introduced by using a fixed date of the lunar month viz. the Noumenia.
To compare these options, here are the dates of the first sunrise of the solar ingresses into the signs of the Zodiac starting with Aries 2017, and the corresponding dates of celebration according to each of the three methods above, along with a comparison of how much of the lunar month has elapsed since it last began or how much of the Zodiac sign has already been traveled through by the Sun:
Ingress | Day of Ingress |
First Noumenia |
First Lettered Day |
Sign | Date | |||
Aries Κριος |
March 21, 2017 | 3/21 Day of Υ |
3/28 24% |
3/29 26% |
Taurus Ταυρος |
April 19 | 4/19 Day of Τ |
4/26 23% |
4/28 29% |
Gemini Διδυμοι |
May 20 | 5/20 Day of Φ |
5/26 19% |
5/29 28% |
Cancer Καρκινος |
June 21 | 6/21 Day of Ψ |
6/24 10% |
6/30 29% |
Leo Λεων |
July 22 | 7/22 Day of ϡ |
7/24 6% |
8/4 42% |
Virgo Παρθενος |
August 22 | 8/22 Day of Α |
8/22 0% |
9/3 39% |
Libra Ζυγος |
September 22 | 9/22 Day of Β |
10/20 90% |
10/4 39% |
Scorpio Σκορπιος |
October 23 | 10/23 Day of Δ |
11/19 90% |
11/3 37% |
Sagittarius Τοχοτης |
November 22 | 11/22 Day of Δ |
12/18 90% |
12/6 48% |
Capricorn Αιγοκερως |
December 21 | 12/21 Day of Δ |
1/17 90% |
1/7 57% |
Aquarius Υδροχοος |
January 20, 2018 | 1/20 Day of Δ |
2/16 93% |
2/7 62% |
Pisces Ιχθυες |
February 18 | 2/18 Day of Γ |
3/17 90% |
3/10 69% |
This is just a small sample, but indicative of how close or far these lunar methods of reckoning a ritual date for the Sun’s ingress can vary compared to the exact solar date. Given these three methods, I’m most inclined to go with the first option, with the third a close contender. It would be nice to have this set of rituals synced to our already-established lunar calendar, but there’s too much variance with the lunar calendar to make it stick right. Plus, according to even the most basic of principles of astrological magic, the most powerful time for a zodiacal-solar ritual is (barring a proper solar election) at the first degree of the sign, considered its strongest, with its last few degrees considered its weakest. On these days of ingress, the ritual should be performed at sunrise, or as early in the day as possible; barring that, as close to the day of ingress as possible. I’d suppose that, so long as the ritual is performed sometime in the first ten or so days of the Sun’s ingress into the sign, the ritual can be considered valid, though it is best to do it ASAP.
So, we have a set of twelve “holidays”, as it were, or high ritual days for those on the Gnosis schema. It would be excellent, then, to celebrate all twelve, but if we were constrained for time or resources, could we rank them or group them together in terms of importance? Absolutely, and this is based all on how we think about the groups of paths on the Gnosis Schema:
- Of all these twelve days, it’s the day of the Ingress into Aries that is the most important. This day celebrates the Sun’s rebirth, and our own renewal into a new cycle of the Gnosis Schema from an old one. If only one ingress could be celebrated, it is this one.
- With a little more resources and time, the days of the Ingress into Aries, into Leo, and into Sagittarius are as important as each other and should be celebrated if all twelve cannot. Each of these ingresses marks the departure of the Sun from one set of four signs of the Zodiac into the next four after completing a whole elemental cycle; for us on the Gnosis schema, these ingresses mark our transition from one cycle to the next (Hot to Cold, Cold to Cosmic, Cosmic to Hot).
- With enough resources and time, each ingress day could be celebrated on its own as they arrive, each ingress marking the transition of the Sun from one sign to the next, and our own transition from one path to the next on the Gnosis Schema.
Thus, to offer a kind of neopagany parallel, the Ingress into Aries would be as important to mathesis as Samhain is to neopagans, the ingress into fire signs as a group as important as the cross-quarter days including Samhain, and the ingress into all twelve signs as a group as important as monthly sabbaths of the cross-quarter days, solstices, and equinoxes. (I can’t believe I just used that sort of reference, since I’m about as far from neopagan as you can get, but I suppose it works for getting the point across.)
Like with my self-initiation ritual into mathesis I discussed a while back, I’ll refrain from posting the specifics of what the ritual of solar ingress would specifically contain. I’ve got my reasons for doing so: this is all still highly experimental, this is still a mystery path, and…well, I’m far from done designing a complete ritual for such an event. However, I’ve got my ideas, and I’ll definitely detail those at a high level for the sake of discussion and thinking out things aloud. Unlike the solar rituals of the Egyptian priests who guided the Sun through the underworld, and unlike the harvest festivals of the old pagans and heathens, and unlike the celebration of neopagans who reflect on the story of the God and Goddess throughout the year, these rituals of solar ingress use the outer world as a symbol for internal development, and will be used to link one’s self to the cosmic forces at play as the Sun travels through the skies. In other words, by bringing ourselves into stronger alignment with the natural flow and rhythm of the cosmos, we take on the same development and live in a spiritually natural, balanced way that follows the course the gods themselves take. We do this by, yes, celebrating the entry of the Sun into a new zodiac sign every month to mark the passage of time, but this is just the external aspect of it; we emulate and, eventually, become the Sun itself as it opens each new gate and takes its first steps along each new path. By sharing in the work of the gods, new possibilities are opened unto us, granting us new power and responsibilities each step of the way.
As the Sun ages through one sign of the Zodiac, the power of the Sun is generally seen to decrease slightly; the final degrees of a sign are the weakest and darkest, and generally bode no good things. As the Sun enters a new sign, the Sun’s light is strengthened and renewed each and every time; further, this whole process is repeated on a grander scale of the whole year as the Sun shines brightest in summer, diminishes in autumn, becomes darkest and feeblest in winter, and becomes renewed in the spring. Just as Apollo is pulled ahead by the horses of his chariot, so too are we pulled forward by the powers of time and growth; just as Apollo is led by Hermes to his destinations hither and fro, so too are we pulled ahead by Hermes as guide and protector. It is these two gods that mathesis works intensely with, and we can already see roles for them appearing in these rituals of solar ingress: Apollo to cleanse and renew us for entering a new gate, and Hermes to guide and lead us as we take our first steps on a new path. Thus, each ritual of solar ingress must be preceded by a purification, either by khernimma or katharmos, so that we can enter a new stage of our lives clean and proper. We must then call on Hermes to open the gate itself and set us on the right path so that we do not get waylaid, lost, or trapped by the darkness that surrounds us.
What I don’t yet know about including, and this is where pathworking will come in help, is the notion of a guardian or gatekeeper for each of these gates. After all, all gates have some sort of protection for themselves, and the notion of a being or god dwelling within each path against which one must pass a test is not precisely new; yes, the idea is common in Golden Dawn practices, but the idea of a Sphinx posing riddles is old. We do know that each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac is given to one of the twelve gods of Olympus, saith Cornelius Agrippa in his Orphic Scale of Twelve, but I’m not sure if these would be the same thing. Additionally, I’m uncertain of what specific offerings should be made as part of the ritual besides the usual ones. This is all for future development, planning, and pathworking to see what I can see and find out what can be found out and pieced together. After all, while I may experiment with different ritual layouts, I’d like to start doing these in earnest starting at the spring equinox next year for Aries. This gives me more than half a year’s time to try things out, which sounds like a lot of time, but…we’ll see.
These rituals of solar ingress are intended to open the gates and let flow the power along the channels indicated by the paths on the Tetractys. What they allow us to do is to help guide us along the Gnosis Schema around the Tetractys, but they do not open up each of the sphairai to us. These rituals can open the gate to a new path, and can bring us to the gate at the end of the path to a new sphaira, but without us unlocking that final gate, we are not able to continue along the Gnosis Schema. Merely celebrating the rituals of solar ingress is not enough to deliver us to gnosis; these rituals are monthly rites of passage, but like any rite of passage, they only give us license to do more things without specifying how or in what timeframe. Anyone in a culture who undergoes the rite of passage into adulthood does not have their entire lives mapped out for them from that moment on; it only gives them the ability and recognition of adulthood, with all its privileges and responsibilities. Over the course of the year, as we celebrate the rituals of solar ingress, we open the ways for us to travel to each sphaira in turn, but we must still walk the path and, moreover, undergo the process of unlocking and experiencing each sphaira on the Tetractys, each of these ten stages of life and development. This would be a separate ritual, which I’ve not quite yet had plans for, but it makes sense.
In addition to the usual pathworking and astral crap that goes along with all of this, of course.