So, I haven’t made a post in a while. I apologize, guys, even though I’m not usually one to do so; this is my blog, after all, and I post when and how I feel like it.
No, I haven’t abandoned you, or my Work, or my spirits. However, I’ve got a lot going on in my life and certain threads are being weaved in unexpected directions; I had my own designs for the warp and weft of this year, but clearly it’s not turning out the way I expected it to. It’ll still be beautiful and awesome, though, trust me. However, in the meantime, my plate is rather full and I’m having to shift my efforts away from the usual and expected to other things. I may be able to make a post here and there, but don’t expect much and you won’t be disappointed. Taking on crafting commissions for the foreseeable future is right out; regrettably, I’m unable to take on crafting commissions (including designing) from anyone at least through this summer. I’m still available for divination readings and consultation sessions, either through Skype or through Etsy, although I’m declining to perform ritual work for others like I am for crafting.
Here’s hoping it’ll be a great 2016 for all of us, both according to our plans and those of the gods who look upon us!