Hail to you, holy Saint Cyprian of Antioch! Holy Saint Cyprian of Antioch, mage, martyr, and mystic; theurge, thaumaturge, and theophoros; saint, sorcerer, and sage; together with Saint Justina and Saint Theocistus, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death, through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen. +
Well, it’s finally over. The Days of the Cyprians and the Feast of the Hieromartyrs of Nicomedia, Cyprian and Justina and Theocistus, are complete, and I’m…honestly, quite beat. I spent these last days traveling to a number of churches, performing conjurations of all the planets (both solo and in the company of others), cleaning house, going to Santeria drum ceremonies, crafting, consecrating talismans to the point of questioning corporeality, and getting my ass in gear. This is honestly the busiest week I’ve had since 2013, and I’ve done more work this week than I have in about a year. I hurt and I need a bit of time to recuperate, but I feel good. Honestly good. Especially since, with the close of the Days of the Cyprians, we’ve also closed the fundraiser I was holding for Doctors Without Borders!
Guys, I want to thank you for helping me raise $270 for this awesome organization. It’s not as much as we were able to raise last year, and I’m sure this year is financially more difficult for many than it was last year, especially with the threat of a government shutdown still looming above us in the United States (despite what’s going on in Congress). That as many people were able to donate to Doctors Without Borders is truly a blessing, and I’d like to thank those who donated:
- Frater Adservio
- Brandon B.
- Temife N.
- Madeleine S.
- Wallace H.
- Laura Z.
- Paul F.
- Sfinga
- Sara M.
- Brandon H.
- Pallas Renatus
- Chijioke O.
- Several other anonymous patrons
I’ve got the necklaces, bracelets, and chaplets ready to go, and I’ll be sending them out this week as early as I can, hopefully tomorrow morning. Thank you, all of you, for your help with this, and I pray that Saint Cyprian, Saint Justina, and Saint Theocistus watch over, empower, guide, and protect all of you, and all the readers of this blog, that you and I and we all may stand together in power, wisdom, and grace in this and all worlds, through these and all words.
However, just because the Days of the Cyprians are over doesn’t mean we should forget about these good saints and our own work. I’ve gotten my ass back in gear to get back to the grind; as my old mentor used to say, “never a dull moment”. Let’s make sure that we keep that up through this coming year!