Being a WordPress user, I’m fond of the sometimes silly and sweet things it does for me like any overdesigned fun information system should. Today, it told me that this is my four-year anniversary of joining WordPress. Before that, I was using Blogger, and was envious of some of the bloggers who had fancier features than I did. About that time, too, I was still getting my bearings in the magical world and was only just starting to practice conjuration.
What a wild ride it’s been in just a measly four years. I went from talking about my mistakes in making natron to giving talks on theory at conferences, from showing off my first-ever woodburning projects to making them commercially, from reading about geomancy to teaching it to others. It really has been a wild ride, and I’d like to thank you, especially, for sticking with me through all these times, no matter when you stepped in to pay attention to lil’ ol’ me.
To those who have stuck around longer than a few months, you’ll note that I haven’t been posting as much lately as I’m known to do usually. I don’t apologize for that; after all, this is my blog, and I post when I want, what I want, and how I want. That’s a good bit of advice for those who have blogs of their own or who want to start one; you’re beholden to nobody by blogging alone, and it is your platform, after all, so use it however and whenever you feel like you should.
The thing is, things have been slow lately. My writing is tied to my activities, my Word to my Work as it were, and since I’m not doing much Work, I don’t have many Words.
My life is good. There are always things to improve upon, and those are getting knocked out in slow but steady order. I’m working towards my goals for this year day by day, but some days, just not a lot is happening. I’m definitely on a plateau, but it’s not a bad one, and that’s okay; taking it slow is something I’m fond of, and things are going well. The gods and spirits treat me well, and I try to uphold my bargains and offerings and honor to them; I have few pressing problems to worry about, and can spend my time in leisure and work without stress or concern. I am blessed with good health, good friends, and good money, and I can’t complain for want of that. I could always use more, of course, but that’s a matter for my own work.
But what work would that be, though? I’m not afraid to admit that I’ve hit a slow spot, just as I’m not afraid to defiantly not post for longer than a few days at a time, but surely there’s work to be done, and there certainly is. I’m a far cry from a master in any way of any art, despite how far I’ve come; after all, to someone still at home, a mile is a far ways to walk, but there’s a world of difference between walking across town and walking across the world.
Basically, I’ve been slow lately to the point of laziness. For that, the self-made cause to the symptom of having little to write about, I apologize. So let me get back on the ball, get back to working, get back to writing, and get back to the world I’m meant to create. After all, that shit won’t do itself.