I get a lot of hits on my blog from across the realm of the Internet, many of which are from links on Facebook, Twitter, or RSS readers. To you guys who follow me: thank you! You give me many happies. However, I also get a huge number of new visitors daily to my blog from people who search around the Internet for various search terms. As part of a monthly project, here are some short replies to some of the search terms people have used to arrive here at the Digital Ambler. This focuses on some search terms that caught my eye during the month of January 2015.
“rufus opus phone number” — Please don’t stalk my instructor. Nobody likes an unbidden phone call from some random person. I don’t know it and chances are you shouldn’t know it.
“alternative to isopsephy egyptian” — Alas, this isn’t possible. Isopsephy is the Greek term for gematria, which is a method of numerology that corresponds individual letters of a writing system to individual numbers. In this way, we can treat whole words or sentences as mathematical or numerical objects, using numerology to divine alternative or occult meanings from them beyond what the words themselves say. However, this is only possible if there exists a mapping between letters and numbers. Some writing systems that do this include Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, and Amharic. However, many writing systems do not, and Egyptian writing (I assume hieroglyphs) is in this category. For one, Egyptian hieroglyphs don’t use “letters”, where each symbol represents a distinct sound devoid of independent meaning; rather, they used a complicated system of ideographs and semanto-phonetic symbols to represent ideas and sounds-paired-with-meaning, while they used a separate set of glyphs for numbers, and never the twain had met. Thus, there doesn’t exist a method of numerology involving Egyptian hieroglyphs in the same ways as Greek isopsephy or Hebrew gematria.
“how to clean oshun eleke” — If you have to ask, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. Find your local santero/santera, or go to your padrino/madrina, and have them do it for you. Next time, be sure to take more care in wearing your elekes.
“favorable fields generated by orgone on growing cannabis” — You’re considering wasting precious grow-space for weed by trying to add in congealed robot vomit? How gullible of a hippy are you?
“instant huge cock satan” — It never ceases to surprise me how many people are literally willing to sell their soul or make deals with the Devil for a bigger dick. There’s really no good and safe way to increase penis size; pills and the like are bunk, and training like jelqing or penis pumps can potentially be overdone and leave your dick literally burst. If we have such a hard time with this using utterly physical means, how much more so with spiritual ones? Be content with what you have, guys. Trust me, if you know how to use it, that’s the best thing. It doesn’t take much to feel full or have a good time.
“what liquor do you use to conjure spirits” — Depends on the spirit. Tradition can dictate a lot: Hellenists use wine for some of the theoi, many Caribbean traditions use rum, Brazilian ones use cachaça, Shinto ones use sake, and so forth. The keyword here is “spirit”, as in any alcoholic volatile beverage; most spirits won’t turn them down! That said, ask the spirit directly. Every god, spirit, ancestor, and the like have their own preferences above and beyond what tradition may dictate; while I offer red wine to Hermes, I’ve heard of some people getting a preference for wine coolers. If you knew that your late great-grandfather loved scotch, pour him a glass of Glenfiddich once in a while. If a particular culture hero was famous for owning a brewery, try offering them a glass of beer that they were known to make or love. Ask them, and use your intuition.
“is bornless rite necessary” — Depends on what you need it for, but the Bornless Rite (or Headless Rite, Liber Samekh, Stele of Ieu the Hieroglyphist, etc.) isn’t necessary in the same way as any other ritual isn’t necessary. It really does help, though, especially in the fields of exorcism and gaining contact with the Holy Guardian Angel. If you want to achieve either of these things, then the Headless Rite is awesome. It’s by no means the only way to do them, but it’s a good one. Give it a try; you could do much worse.
“occult offerings workplace” — This is an awesome idea, and one I use. The general rule, no matter what kind of job or office/work environment you may have, is BE DISCREET. By all means, use all the pomp and circumstance you may want when you’re at home or in a secluded grove in the forest or cliff on a mountain, but in an office, factory, restaurant, or clinic, you don’t have that luxury. Consider memorizing a prayer and muttering it under your breath while looking at a particular innocuous devotional object you may have (a peacock paperweight for Hera, a soldier action figure for Ares, an obsidian necklace for Tezcatlipoca, etc.). If you have a desk or locker, consider using a secluded corner that won’t draw much attention and set an equally-innocuous figurine there as a focus and a glass or mug of water, coffee, tea, or juice out for them. If you can’t afford this, use a break to go to the bathroom, out back on the porch, or outside to a crossroads and make a quick, quiet, and short offering there. Not everyone has the ability to do that, though, so modify your method to suit your circumstances.
“greek dicks” — I know there’s a trend to “go Greek” in a lot of ways, what with this cultural openness encouraging Greek yoghurt and buttsex and Hellenism and all sorts of stuff. Mediterranean stuff and things are hot! That said, have you also considered fantasizing about Turkish oil wrestling? Because I certainly do.
“very large dicks” — Not just large dicks, but very large dicks! Honestly, this is just lazy searching; using the word “very” is lazy writing, anyway. To wit, I quote John Keating from the movie Dead Poets Society:
So avoid using the word “very” because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys—to woo women—and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays.
“god hermes pray protection from rape” — …are you aware of the corpus of Greek mythos at all? While I know certain things aren’t culturally translatable from 2500 years ago to today, the Greek gods tended to do whatever they want or whomever they want and whenever they want. This includes forcing themselves upon any number of mortals, men and women alike, sometimes to great ends and sometimes to awful ones. Hermes doesn’t really operate in the same way as his brother Apollo or father Zeus and isn’t one to have very many sexual exploits of his own, but he’s better at setting up clandestine affairs and lovers in secrecy and shadow. While he can be called upon for escape and protection, like with Europa from Hera, this is more from wrath and less from rape. Then again, Hermes is a god of many things and is a microcosm unto himself, so if you want a way out of anything, definitely give it a try.
“dee’s enochian demons killing symbols” — As far as I’ve read of Dee, he never had any such symbol. Medieval and Renaissance occult works don’t usually describe the killing of demons, usually only going so far as to say they can be bound but not killed. The implication is that demons are immortal and unable to be wounded by mortal means. However, there are some symbols that are related to Solomonic designs that can maim or kill demons, but that’s another topic entirely.