About this time last year, I had the notion of doing a discounted special for yearly geomantic readings covering people’s lives in 2014. I got a goodly amount of attention and business from that and it gives me a fairly good chance to bust out the divination and vision oils and burn through a bunch of people’s futures in a single sitting, the rush of which is something I enjoy. Add to it, I’ve gotten several requests from various people recently asking if I’d be doing them again, but of course I’ve been on vacation for the past few weeks and have been luxuriously enjoying time off and away from the world. So, I won’t disappoint; let’s do this again, shall we?
This time, I’m using Etsy to set up my divination readings, both for my regular readings and the yearly readings special. For the time being, unless I have a good reason to, I’ll stick to using Etsy and not PayPal as my divination reading business medium, so be sure to get an Etsy account and follow my shop!
So, the rules are pretty much the same as last year, folks. You pay me US$20.00, and I’ll draw up a geomantic chart and interpretation for your coming year! This offer is good through 11:59 PM EST January 30, 2015, so if you’re interested, you only have a limited time to get in on the reading special! Just be sure you’re looking at the right divination listing. I’ll try to keep the turnaround time to a minimum, but expect a few days to a week depending on the influx for me to get through all these. (Bear in mind that I maintain a full-time office job with a lengthy commute.)
What are you waiting for? Head over to my Etsy page and get a 2015 Yearly Geomancy Reading!