I apologize to my readers for not having given you warning on the blog, but last night I went on the air for the first time on Candelo’s Corner (podcast list here). Candelo’s Corner is a radio show hosted by Candelo Kimbisa and Malik Kimbiza, two elders of the Palo Kimbisa Santo Cristo del Buen Viaje, a Cuban-Congo ATR. Apparently, the release of my recent ebook Vademecum Cypriani caught Candelo’s eye, and so he wanted to bring me onto the show. We jammed for a bit about what I do as a Hermetic magician, as a Cyprianista, and as a reader, and I gave a handful of readings to people who called in, including Candelo and Malik themselves! And yes, I was just as surprised as them when my readings hit the spot, apparently, and I even got embarrassed by my godmother who decided to call in and torture me with her praise.
I only got details for the link and time, like, a few hours beforehand even though we had planned it, so I did kinda sorta spam my Twitter and Facebook with the link, but forgot to update my blog. If you want to listen in, have a listen of the show courtesy of Blog Talk Radio. You’ll get to hear my delectable voice give readings, and even (at one point) pontificate about my style of delivery. Listen in, and keep listening to Candelo’s future shows!
Oh, and yes. Nsala malecu.