And here it is, the final and last chaplet of the archangels, that of Saint Uriel the Archangel, the angel of the Light of God.
I thought that the chaplet I had found before for Uriel was basically the same as that of Raphael, but it’s actually sufficiently different for it to be its own chaplet. So much for my research, then. But hey, since this is already written, it means less for me to write and more for me to use.
Oh, Uriel. Honestly, his name means “light of God”, but he has so many jobs and associations that it’s hard to pin down what he does like the other archangels do. He’s the leader of the angels in the Book of Enoch (which is odd, considering that’s supposed to be Michael’s job); he’s the guardian of the Garden of Paradise, both Eden and of Heaven; a messenger to the prophets; a cherub or a seraphim or an archangel; and so many other things, not to mention his roles in magic and elemental/planetary associations. Given how many pots Uriel has his feathers in, a general chaplet is probably the way to go, which is what tripped me up originally.