My little side-business in selling my crafts and ebooks has gotten off to a modest start since opening up my Etsy shop earlier this year, which is awesome. Still, what I really want to focus more on is divination, and people haven’t sprung for that nearly as much as I’d like.
Yes, if you didn’t know, I provide divination services and have for some time now. Surprise! I also offer other ritual services and planning, too, but divination is something I want to focus on today. I’ve been offering two services up until this point:
- A full geomancy reading. This reading focuses only on one question at a time, but fully explores all the relevant symbols in the chart, as well as offering advice on how to proceed in a particular matter and what actions one can take to induce a particular resolution. Was US$30, but is now at a lower price of US$20!
- A horary-geomancy reading, combining horary astrology overlaid with a geomancy chart. This is preferred for natal queries, long-term situations, or similar deep and complex matters. This provides more detail than a geomancy reading, as it incorporates Renaissance astrological techniques woven into the standard geomantic interpretations offered. US$60.
That said, I’m now offering several new selections outside geomancy:
- A minireading for US$10, combining a pared-down 2-figure geomancy reading and a single-letter grammatomancy reading to indicate a general progression of events as well as advice on what to expect and how to maintain yourself in your affairs. This is best for general questions to get a good feel for a situation at a high level, and you can go more in-depth with a follow-up reading if desired after this.
- Skype sessions (voice or webcam) for US$50 for half an hour. We’ll go over as many questions as you have and how to resolve them. I’ll use a mixture of geomancy, shell divination, grammatomancy, and other methods as I see fit for the queries asked.
Some of you might be wondering, “o polyphanes, why don’t you just offer simple grammatomantic readings?” Well, back in the day, grammatomancy (drawing a random Greek letter) was a free service that you could do in any forum that had a post with oracles inscribed on it and a bowl with pebbles marked with the Greek letters. As far as I can ascertain, there was no fee nor charge for this, and it’s such a simple system that I don’t see the need to do what you can easily do for yourself. There are free resources online to study the art, but I also suggest buying my own ebook on grammatomancy for US$10 which covers all the basics and a number of advanced interpretive techniques.
If you select a Skype reading, please be aware that my most available times tend to be:
- Wednesday afternoons
- Friday afternoons
- Saturday evenings
- Sunday afternoons and evenings
I go by US Eastern time (observing daylight saving as is custom). Once I receive notification of payment, we’ll schedule a time slot and I’ll give you a call at the appointed time. I’ll also record the session (once I can figure that out) and send it to you for your records.
Also, let’s get something fancy going here. If you refer someone to my site for any divination service, have them let me know your email address. You’ll be entitled to one free minireading for every person you refer! Just make sure they tell me that referred them to me for a divination, and I’ll send you an email afterwards letting you know that you’re eligible for a free minireading. Of course, you’re under no obligation to refer me to anyone if you don’t want to, but if you like what you read here and what I write or make, consider nudging some business my way or consider donating. Any little bit helps, and after all, divination is why I’m a magician in the first place.
So what are you waiting for? Want to get a reading? Check out my Services page today, or send me an email!