So I’ve recently started a thing on the internets where I get together with a bunch of people and voicechat about occult things. Now that I have a decent headset and webcam, this is actually a possibility for me where there was none before, so it’s pretty nifty. Last month in March was my first time organizing such an event, and it was surprisingly well-received, so I figure I’ll make it a monthly event. Whether you have a webcam or no, feel free to join in on my Google+ Hangouts! While I’ll generally introduce a topic and guide the conversation and perhaps teach a bit, it’s also a way for you to get involved and share your ideas (and believe me, there’s plenty I can learn as well from you).
The next one is scheduled for Saturday, April 26 at 4 p.m. EDT. This month, we’ll be talking about the elements of the geomantic figures, where they come from, and how to use them in divination and magic. The Facebook event for the hangout can be found here, and the original G+ event page here. If you can, say whether you’ll be going on either page; if you want to surprise me or just pop in, the actual link for the hangout chat can be found here. Hope to see you there!