I get a lot of hits on my blog from across the realm of the Internet, many of which are from links on Facebook, Twitter, or RSS readers. To you guys who follow me: thank you! You give me many happies. However, I also get a huge number of new visitors daily to my blog from people who search around the Internet for various search terms. As part of a monthly project, here are some short replies to some of the search terms people have used to arrive here at the Digital Ambler. This focuses on some search terms that caught my eye during the month of March 2014. This month was particularly awesome with two things in mind: for one, the recent Hermes/Mercury conference, for which the writeups are as complete as I can make them without putting up voice recordings; for two, I crossed the big threshold of 200,000 hits this month! Thank you all so much, dear readers, for serving my plans for world domination sticking with me and all my antics and adventures.
“symbol with dot for north node : symbol without dot-?” — I’m not aware of any symbol for the North Node, also known as the Head of the Dragon or Caput Draconis, that involves a dot. Rather, the symbol for the North Node looks much like the symbol for the sign of Leo (♌) but with both “tails” curved into loops (☊). Similarly, the South Node, a.k.a. Tail of the Dragon or Cauda Draconis, is the same symbol but reversed (☋). There are the related geomantic figures for these signs, too, but there’s no such thing as a geomantic figure “without dot[s]“. So, I’m really not sure what the querent here is trying to look for, but it’s certainly not one of these astrological/astronomical symbols.
“ben franklin potato advocate” — …this is true, he was in fact an advocate and lover of potatoes, and potatoes weren’t really popular in the early history of the United States until he started hawking them. They also make fantastic liquors with them, which is another thing Mr. Franklin would approve of.
“a prayer for charing crystal and mirror” — Being that crystals are usually made of non-combustible minerals, and mirrors are made from non-combustible class and metal, I find it difficult to char these things with fire. It’s possible to crack them apart or shatter them with heat, or get them dirty from soot, but charing isn’t something that can be done. Charging, however, can be more easily done by praying intentfully, calling on the powers you prefer to enter into or deign to consecrate, bless, and charge it for a particular end. There’s no one particular prayer for this, so just say what you want and do it forcefully.
“clear blue digital pregnancy test book symbol” — Er…I understand that the Digital Ambler talks about symbols and books rather often, but this is an unfortunate confluence of search terms that yielded a result most inappropriate for the query. Still, Yahoo! Answers has something better for you. Admittedly, I’m not one to ask about pregnancy tests, since I’m neither female nor predisposed or inclined to children.
“what do six candles represent on altar” — Depends on the candles and the altar. Catholic altars are often seen having six candles, though this is a custom that came about only a few hundred years ago; before that, they were reserved only for high holy rituals, with two candles being common for a low Mass or none at all on the altar. Beyond that, whatever associations go with the number 6, I suppose, indicate the purpose. Some people use six candles for a solar ritual. There’s really no way to answer this question; it’s like “what does the sound does the mean”, where it depends on the specific sound and in what language. Try again, querent.
“need to summon good ghost or spirit free pliz” — Yes, it can be absolutely free! But I won’t do it for you, because that’s like having someone trying to eat for you. You need to do the work yourself, buddy. There are so many resources, on this blog and on many other sites like those on the right hand side of my blog, that are available for free that will get you a running start. Don’t be lazy, and don’t try to outsource your own spiritual work. Our “*-as-a-service” world is not great for individual development. And even if you absolutely need to have someone else do the work for you, why would you expect it to be done as a free service? Lawyers get paid for their expertise, as do doctors and therapists. After putting in all the time, effort, money, and resources into their studies and Work, it’s only fair to recompense a magician for their services to you. You can’t get something for nothing, you know.
“words to summon a demon” — Behold, I have here a most secret conjuration preserved from the ancestors of my ancestors, which I will reveal to you to know now, that you may summon the demons of magnificent and terrible power:
Yo, NN., get your flaming ass over here! I’m serious, I’m for real, I’m dead serious! Quit your shit and come on! Y’all’re gonna piss me off if you don’t show your lazy ass before me, and I don’t want any of your crazy shit tryna scare me. If you don’t show up right here right now, I’m pressin’ charges on your ass and my lawyer is gonna sue you to a hell deeper than you ever been to before. Do you know who I am? I’m motherfucking NN., and I own this shit and I own you. Now come on, I’m not just forcing you for shits and giggles here. In fact, let me give you something to hold you over for a bit. But, really, come on. I need you here; don’t lemme down, now. <cough> …forever and ever, world without end. Amen.
After this, snap four times in the form of a cross, roll your neck, and put a 7-11 taquito in a fire and pour out a Four Loko as an offering to the demon.
“geomantic gods of earth”, “geomantic gods”, etc. — Geomancy isn’t a religion, nor is it even a major part of spiritual practices; it’s just a form of divination, and arose in an Islamic culture and propagated through other Abrahamic cultures and traditions before finally arriving to our libraries in our modern pluralistic world. In that sense, I suppose the god of geomancy would be God, as in that of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and about whom many geomancers of the past (Robert Fludd, Agrippa, al-Zanati, etc.) have written as the ultimate source and original cause of enabling us to use this divinatory method. As far as angels go, we might claim that Gabriel is important to geomancy, being as he is the angel of messengers and heralds generally as well as the one who mythically gave the knowledge of geomancy to (depending on the myth) Adam, Hermes Trismegistus, Enoch, or Idris. Hermes Trismegistus, in his form as the thrice-great Thoth-Hermes, might be considered from this as a god of geomancy, inasmuch as he’s god of any and all occult sciences, divinatory methods, astrology, conjuration, worship, sacrifice, fate, time, language, and the like. Beyond that, if you’re looking at things with a more neopagan mindset, any deity of the earth (and especially of the desert sands) or of “low” divination (as opposed to prophetic divination or astrology) would be fitting, but that’s very tradition-specific and vague.
“can i activate seals of solomon by praying and lighting candles only” — Actually, that’s really about it, though you’d need to swap candles for incense. The Key of Solomon describes how to go about consecrating the pentacles (book I, chapter 8), where you go into a ritual chamber and pray several psalms and a certain prayer over the pentacles. The ritual says you need to have incense burning and to have a special circle drawn on to contain the censer for incense. After that, you suffumigate the talismans in the incense and you’re done. I’d have a candle burning, anyway, and incense is something I find necessary in rituals, but that’s really just about it. The heavy lifting of consecrating the pentacles comes from their construction and proper inscription of the right names and signs in the right places; what comes afterward is just a blessing, and even then, that almost seems to be a minor point to me. Most Solomonic magic, anyway, takes the forms of prayers and invocations, so you’re already basically there.
“how to invoke angels on saturn” — I’d assume the same processes we use on Earth would work reasonably well on Saturn, as well, though there is the issue of figuring out planetary days and hours on the planet. More important would be the issues of actually getting to Saturn and, once there, figuring out a place to land on a planet that has no solid surface; those are questions that beyond my expertise to answer.
“geomanctic symbols + younger futhark”, “futhark + geomantic symbols”, etc. — Apparently there’s some interest in linking together the geomantic figures with the runes of the futhark (elder, younger, Anglo-Saxon futhorc, whatever). I don’t really see a need or a purpose for this besides the ever-dominating Western penchant for completion and connection; there’s no 1-to-1 mapping between the 16 figures and 24 runes of the elder futhark, though there might be such a connection with the 16 runes of the younger futhark, but as far as I’m aware the younger futhark are nearly never used in divination. Geomancy and runic divination, further, come from radically different traditions, cultures, and time periods, and really have little in common (unless you want to use a very late interpretation of runic divination to be assigned to the planets and signs of astrology). Just because two sets of symbols have the same count doesn’t mean there are clean mappings or relationships between them; I might claim that certain types of African diasporic religions have 12 gods, but just because there are also 12 Olympian gods in Hellenic paganism doesn’t mean that they’re the same or that there are clean connections between the two. (I realize that this kinda leads me to thumb my nose at people like Agrippa, Crowley, and Skinner who are known for their correspondence tables, but I can’t be the only one who thinks that one can take these things only so far without them breaking down miserably.)
“how do you manifest with orgone energy” — You manifest things, and then orgone energy exists. One doesn’t really manifest anything with orgone energy except…I guess, more orgone energy. It’s like using the qi/chi/ki in the body to make food appear; it can be effected by means of the body to go out and buy or harvest supplies that can then be processed into food, but qi/chi/ki cannot itself make food. Likewise, orgone energy doesn’t itself manifest desires; it’s the animating force behind other systems that enables them to work so as to manifest a desire or will. You can use orgone energy to maintain health and activity, which you can then direct to manifest, but you can’t be so direct with orgone energy alone. However, you can use orgone energy (being, as it is, an ambient resource of magical power) in other magical rituals to focus and charge talismans (like my Mercury election experiment), intents, desires, and the like; again, however, this isn’t using orgone directly as much as it is empowering other things to work directly.
“sigil to sigil symbol to symbol magic to magic planetary to planetary occult to occult astrology to astrology” — You’re so thorough! I’m sure you found exactly what you needed.
“the finger ring of solomon” — There’s lots of information known about the ring of Solomon on the internet, largely due to resources like the Lemegeton and John Dee’s Enochiana works (cf. the PELE ring). Still, the way this query was phrased leads me to believe that the good King Solomon may have other types of rings he may have used. In that case, I want dibs on the design for and production of the cockring of Solomon.
“summon spirits without ritual” — This is a moot point; summoning is a ritual. It’s like saying “eating food without nutrition” or “sleeping without closing eyes”. Of course, my idea of ritual is pretty far-reaching, but then, there’s no reason for it to not be so broad.