Between divination readings last night, I decided to procrastinate a bit and dawdle on Facebook. I had the dubiously-awesome idea to publicize my blog a little bit more, because, well, that’s what social media is for, right? I ended up making a page just for this blog, the Digital Ambler, which you should totally go ahead and like, you social media addict. That is, of course, if you have a Facebook account, and if you don’t, I deeply respect you for that (don’t ever change, you loveable luddite).
While the blog and magicking won’t be affected, nor will I go through and cull everyone off my personal Facebook friends list whom I don’t know, getting in touch with me through the Facebook page in the future might be a recommended practice. I plan to occasionally post special deals on crafts, commissions, divinations, or ritual services through the Facebook page, and you can better keep up with me that way instead of being subjected to my crazy mundane crap I post on my personal profile anyhow. You have the incentive to like it, so do so! I’ll also start posting my Daily Grammatomancy posts (on the days I actually get around to posting them) on the Facebook page, too.