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Yearly Geomantic Readings for 2014


To go with my prospective and plans for 2014, I decided I wanted to do a yearly geomantic reading for myself to see what 2014 might have in store for me.  Then I thought, well gosh, why not do it for others as well?  From now through January 30, I’ll be offering a special on yearly geomantic forecasts for only US$15!  Click the button and I’ll draw up my forecast for your upcoming year!

Yearly Geomantic Forecast for 2014 — $15.00
Valid through January 30, 2014
PayPal Button: Yearly Geomantic Forecast Special

So, what kind of forecast would you get?  Well, let me show you with the forecast I drew up for myself!  Feel free to draw up your own forecast, especially if you’re learning geomancy, but below is my own forecast for what I predict will happen for myself through the year of 2014.

The figures obtained were:

  1. First Mother: Fortuna Minor
  2. Second Mother: Puer
  3. Third Mother: Tristitia
  4. Fourth Mother: Fortuna Maior
  5. First Daughter: Fortina Minor
  6. Second Daughter: Fortuna Minor
  7. Third Daughter: Tristitia
  8. Fourth Daughter: Caput Draconis
  9. First Niece: Tristitia
  10. Second Niece: Albus
  11. Third Niece: Populus
  12. Fourth Niece: Coniunctio
  13. Right Witness: Fortuna Maior
  14. Left Witness: Coniunctio
  15. Judge: Acquisitio
  16. Sentence: Carcer

The figures in the twelve houses are:

  1. Fortuna Minor
  2. Puer
  3. Tristitia
  4. Fortuna Maior
  5. Fortina Minor
  6. Fortuna Minor
  7. Tristitia
  8. Caput Draconis
  9. Tristitia
  10. Albus
  11. Populus
  12. Coniunctio

The sum of the chart is 100, an even number.  The Via Puncti of Fire or Water cannot be formed; the Via Puncti of Air leads to Caput Draconis as the Fourth Daughter, and the Via Puncti of Earth leads to Puer as the Second Mother.  The ascendant of the house chart is Taurus.  The Part of Spirit is in house VIII, Caput Draconis.  The Part of Fortune is in house IV, Fortuna Maior.  The significator of the querent (me) passes between houses I, V, and VI.

Overall, this year is going to be fantastic, though slow.  With the Court having three of the most favorable figures in geomancy, the theme here is going to be “gain”: 2014 will see an increase in my life generally, not necessarily financial but not precluding financial gains, either.  The Right Witness here indicates strong, independent success and being the support of others generally helping me through this year, and the Left Witness indicates lots of interaction, meeting with, and making plans with others.  The interaction of these three figures here is fantastic, which lends itself to lots of beneficial growth and access to higher and better qualities of life.  The Sentence as Carcer suggests that this year is one where things will start to be “locked down”, potentially indicating that patterns and ways of life established in 2014 will be maintained for a long time to come.

The sum of the chart here is 100, which is more than 96; thus, events this year will happen on a more-or-less slow or relaxed schedule.  Delays, generally due to building things up properly taking more time than expected, are probably going to be the norm, so I’d be well advised to always allow for more time and be a little more diligent in my own work and scheduling.  Plus, 100 is an even number, suggesting that more of the events that happen in my live will be dependent on others (things happening to me) than of my own volition and impetus (me acting on other things).  The Via Puncti of Fire and Water not leading anywhere here indicate that this year will not be fueled by any giant goals, drives, or emotional situations, which is always good for a drama-free year.  Rather, the Via Puncti of Air leading to Caput Draconis indicates that there will be new contacts and communication coming in, especially with people I will never have met before (including spirits); the Via Puncti of Earth indicate that I have some hard material goals and tasks to set myself out for, and it leading to Puer suggests that there could be troubles or conquests (or both!) when dealing with the material world this year.  Tread with caution when going outside instead of out-of-body.

Fortuna Minor in house I indicates  that I’ll generally be successful this year, with more ease than struggle, though I should be careful not to let big things slip through my fingers.  Although the Right Witness was Fortuna Maior, indicating myself throughout the year as a whole, Fortuna Minor in house I indicates  me on a moment-by-moment basis; thus, I should focus on collecting myself and my successes, tying everything into a whole, than simply getting by from one thing to the next.  The cardines of the chart, read counter-clockwise starting from house I, are Fortuna Minor, Albus, Tristitia, and Fortuna Maior.  This indicates that the year will be easy and fast-progressing at the start of the year (now until spring), then slow and thoughtful (spring until summer), then hard and difficult (summer until autumn), then fantastic and with lots of good results (autumn until the end of the year).  I’d do well to focus on myself and personal success basically when it’s cold, and once things start to heat up to start planning things out and getting them out of the way once it gets hot.  Late summer and early autumn will be the most difficult part of the year for me, generally due to the onslaught of meaningless work or endless toil that I might be mired in.

Financially, I have Puer in house II, Fortuna Minor in house V, and Populus in house XI.  Finances will be interesting to work with this year; I shouldn’t expect terribly much from investments, though I can stand to make a quick buck or two if the mood to gamble strikes me.  I’ll be able to rely on friends aplenty if I need to, but calling in too many favors may not be great for my friends and my status with them.  My own finances will be alright, though I really should be careful with them; I should definitely calm down before making any big decisions and get a second opinion first, and I should always keep an eye out for any impulse spending that I really shouldn’t be doing.

Spiritually, I have Caput Draconis in house VIII and Tristitia in house IX.  This is a fantastic time for working with spirits of the dead, land spirits, general magical fuckery, and thaumaturgy; work with Saint Cyprian, the ancestors, and other spirits “down here” or “down there” will be greatly favored, with new relationships being built.  Indeed, the Part of Spirit here indicates that this is something I should really be focusing on.  Tristitia in house IX, though, worries me somewhat; high astral work, celestial conjurations, and divination of all kinds will be difficult or too much to handle throughout the year.  Nothing will be blocked off, but this will indicate much work to bog me down throughout the year.  Tristitia appearing in house III also indicates that there will be much high work to be done around me in my local environment; with it also in house VII, this indicates a strong connection to the people I work with as well as with my boyfriend, indicating potential struggles in sharing time between my love and my work.

Otherwise, things seem pretty peachy for me.  My health will be fine, and I’ll have a good grasp on whatever happens to me (Fortuna Minor in both houses I and VI), though I should beware of upper back, spinal, and cardiovascular problems.  Things look good for moving to a new house, if not buying one outright (Fortuna Maior in house IV, with Fortuna Minor passing into conjunction with it from I to VI).  My relationship with the boyfriend will be enduring though potentially stressed (Tristitia in house VII), likely due to spiritual work (IX) or local events (III), though work with him could lead to fantstic new heights or depths.  Work will be slow and uneventful (Albus in X), with decent success and nothing to worry about.  There is talk going on behind my back (Coniunctio in XII), though it’s nothing I should worry about with for now; any talk will eventually come to my own ears and table (Coniunctio as Left Witness), so I’d do best to let others talk and simply keep on my guard for being a decent person.  As sport and health are ruled by the same figure (Fortuna Minor in I, V, and VI), I expect this to indicate my work with aikido; it’ll be something for me to pick up, though perhaps not last through the whole year.  It could be something long-lasting, given my connections with it, but only if I have the support of others; we’ll see how long aikido lasts, but it should definitely be a beneficial act for me, if not completely something to take long-term.

Let’s see how this prediction will pan out, then!  Happy New Year, everyone; now let’s make sure this new year really will be happy, fortunate, and successful for us all.

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